The pagan community und Thelema
Sa., 30. Mai
|Zoom - lecture

Zeit & Ort
30. Mai 2020, 19:00 – 20:00 MESZ
Zoom - lecture
Über die Veranstaltung
An experience report For some years now, the pagan and the magical community in Germany and worldwide have been moving closer together. The challenge of participate in an open and public interreligious dialogue makes it necessary to put differences back and to look at similarities. The differences can also make the discourses exciting. Follow us on some observations and ideas and how to continue this challenging path.
Sr. Panta Rhei Active in the pagan community in Berlin since 2012, responsible for interreligious dialogue in the Pagan Federation International Germany e.V., spokeswoman of "Pagan ways and communities Berlin" and member of the Astarte Oase Berlin of Ordo Temple Orientis.
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